Blood ≠ Bond
To someone who refuses to grow = Not my responsibility.
Being born into a family and sharing the same blood doesn’t mean we’ll feel connected.
If this relationship was nothing more than just us living under the same roof,
If we’ve always been distant,
I've been helping you, but you never even cared whether I was doing okay or not.
Just no respect, constant demands, and never making an effort to grow or change—so tell me, what’s the point?
I may have grown up with you,
But that doesn’t mean I owe you my future or have to take responsibility for you forever.
I’m not being cruel.
I’ve just grown.
I’ve learned and understood things better.
I want to live my own life.
And I’m choosing to let go of what was never good for me.
If you’ve only ever seen me as a benefit,
if you expect me to be the only one giving,
If you never made me feel like I truly mattered to you,
If you never showed me love that wasn’t just about money,
Then why should I hold on?
I don’t feel connected to you anymore, and that’s okay.
Because there was never any real bond to begin with.
Letting you go doesn’t mean I’ve lost anything.
The only thing I’ve gained is freedom.
And honestly? It’s so damn worth it. ❤️🔥